Meet Our People
Employment Opportunity: Early Grades Enrichment Teacher.
Part-Time. Job description below-please inquire if interested!

Nora Comeau
Mother, Teacher, Director & Co-Founder
Hi! I come from a family of pioneers in education, art, and organic farming.
My favorite words are wild, soul, joy, and love. I bring my background as a teacher (10+ years), a signed language interpreter (11 years), and a parent (7+ years).
For me, teaching and learning are reciprocal. I observe the direct experience of the student, and I am guided by holistic development.
Informed by children, nature, and Waldorf education, I keep an open mind to any approach that can be integrated beneficially.
When not ‘at school’, you might find me: playing ball with my partner and my son, painting, or getting dirty in my garden!
My talents include storytelling, knitting, and devising curriculum. I look forward to playing and learning together.
Catherine Liggett
Mother, Co-Founder, Parent Volunteer, Webmaster
As a writer, former university teacher, and mother of two, I'm deeply passionate about bringing up the next generation of world-changers.
With a background in mindfulness education and social-emotional learning, my favorite subjects to teach and model are kindness and empathy. (In this photo, I'm showing the children how to discover small creatures and treat them kindly.)
My talents include dancing, general goofiness, gardening, and tide pool exploration.

Hannah Lemberg
Mother, Teacher, Co-Founder
I have worked in education much of my life, including as an elementary and high school humanities, Spanish, and theater teacher, mostly at Waldorf schools. I love to work collaboratively with parents, students, and other teachers. I believe that children deserve an education that meets them as individuals and feeds their innate connection to the beauty of the world.
I find joy and comfort in reading, travel, nature, tea, yoga, cooking, quiz games, folk music and dance, theater, and sharing experiences with children, especially my six-year-old daughter, Calla.
My talents include reading aloud, hosting tea parties, and singing Spanish children’s songs.
Employment Opening for a Grades Enrichment Teacher
Wild Rose Folk School is seeking to hire a teacher for the 2025-2026 school year.
This is an opportunity to support the growth of children as natural learners.
The ideal candidate possesses enthusiasm for Waldorf pedagogy: meeting children where they are developmentally, and valuing their capacities as intellectual, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual beings.
The teacher in this position will have creative license over their own lessons and will also collaborate with the director.
We are currently enrolling students ages six to eight. At times, instruction will be differentiated. Subjects and activities may vary according to the talents, skills and passions of the teacher.
There is an opportunity to start with one or two half days per week during the remainder of school year 2024-2025.
This position is contingent upon adequate enrollment.
​What we offer:
-Small classes: 3-7 students total.
-Shifts of 9:00am to 1:00pm, which include three contact hours plus setup and cleanup.
-$37.50 start pay with yearly raises according to a salary schedule.
-Two additional full pay hours per week for lesson-planning.
-Administrative support.
-3 paid sick days/year.
-Classroom assistance.
-A library of relevant, optional teaching materials.
What we seek:
-Prior classroom experience, K-2nd Grade preferred
- Understanding of students, their development, learning styles, and needs
- Emphasis on centering the student’s experience
-Ability to work collaboratively
-Energy for taking the children outdoors daily in all seasons
-Ability to gently guide students through social-emotional learning
-Commitment to the vision of “Educating in nature, through experience, within community.”
For more information or to apply: https://www.wildrosefolkschool.org/contact Or email wildrosefolkschool@gmail.com